Jätkäsaari is a harbour area in Helsinki that is being converted into a dense urban housing area. It is also home to one of the busiest sea terminals for passengers in Europe. The area exhibits interesting urban development and new innovations of residential architecture in Finland.
The former industrial harbour area is changing rapidly. By the year 2030, plans include homes for at least 18 000 inhabitants and 6 000 workplaces in the Jätkäsaari region. The passenger harbour will remain in the area, providing fast connections to Tallinn, Estonia.
In the Jätkäsaari region one can explore the variety of Finnish and Nordic housing types in just a few blocks’ area, as well as hear about the housing and urban planning policies of the area.
In Jätkäsaari region it is possible to explore the variety of
Finnish and Nordic housing types in just a few blocks’ area.
Malta (ARK-house architects) is a new cohousing apartment block in Jätkäsaari. It was initiated by a group of private persons who founded an association to run the project. The whole project represents an alternative for the controlled housing production and to the housing policy in the capital area.
“Lace house” (Huttunen-Lipasti-Pakkanen architects) is a recently finished block of council flats in Jätkäsaari. The design is based on winning entry “Light House” from an architecture competition. The aim of the competition was to find a landmark building to the corner of Saukonpaasi square, finishing a long line of city views. The facade material has given the house a nickname ”Lace house”.
In the area of Jätkäsaari there are many other interesting projects as well, including WoodCity that represents experimental wood construction. Wood is the main material in the new block of offices, apartments and commercial space. Also the Generations Block is a unique concept of multigenerational housing.