

A Compact and high cityscape

Rotterdam shows you how to build a compact and high cityscape. The city has a functional strategy in building high structures that controls the height of skyscrapers and the quality of construction. The city is developed by innovative structure projects such as the Central Station and Market Hall.

A Compact and high cityscape

Rotterdam has been renewed through high-rise construction. Europe’s largest seaport city has consciously invested in high-rise construction, which the city administers control over. New and higher towers are constantly emerging, which form a functional ensemble due to the strategic plans. The former port area of ​​Wilhelminapier is a prime site of high-rise construction, in which also old warehouse and magazine buildings have been left exposed.

In Rotterdam, different functions are combined liberally within the same buildings. The Rotterdam market hall combines a market place and housing and has become a key architectural attraction. Timmerhuis, in turn, joins apartments and a museum within the building.

The innovative Dutch architecture and urban planning provide excellent references to compact city planning that places emphasis on public transport and high-rise construction design. Throughout the country, great efforts have been made in rail transport and in creating modern, multifunctional neighborhoods around train stations. The development of city cycling in The Netherlands is one of the leading in the world. The Netherlands also display many interesting examples of refurbishment of the suburbs.

Through Archtours, you can study the architecture in Rotterdam with a local guide. Contact us, and we will plan a tour tailored for your group.

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