Higher and denser city structures call for new technical expertise

The need for denser structures arises from the fight against climate change and the scarcity of land available in cities.
Higher and denser city structures call for new technical expertise
Cities are being made denser through the construction of tall buildings in particular. High-rise construction projects are carried out sustainably, without compromising the quality of the living environment or environmental values.
High-rise construction calls for new knowledge and technical expertise. Technical fields requiring new knowledge include roof construction, energy-efficient high-rise solutions, the use of wood in high-rise construction, green roofs, and lifts and other mobility solutions.
The need for denser city structures is also being met through supplementary construction and the construction of additional storeys on roofs, as well as freeing up areas for construction and transferring green zones onto roofs. The theme of dense structures and high-rise construction also involves city boulevards, metro projects and underground road tunnels. Such projects are in progress in many cities.
Through Archtours, you can learn more about high-rise construction, first-hand. Contact us, and we will plan a tour tailored for your group.