School architecture serving multipurpose use

Education and its development are valued in growing European cities. This is also reflected in the architecture of day-care centres, schools and universities.
School architecture serving multipurpose use
The international success of the Finnish education system has attracted designers from around the world to study new day-care and school buildings in the Helsinki region. These buildings have been designed with functionality, multipurpose use and a sense of community in mind. Their architectural solutions go hand-in-hand with the new curricula.
Many of the new schools serve hundreds or nearly a thousand pupils. The key challenge is to serve children of different ages throughout their school years. Many schools are structured like villages, with the various facilities surrounding a plaza-like central yard or a lobby. The new schools also serve as public facilities for their nearby areas, providing library services and hobby and exercise facilities for local residents.
Day-care centres to universities
Large, village-like day-care centres have gained popularity in the Nordic countries in recent years. Their architecture is scaled for children.
The appreciation of education is also reflected in the impressive architecture of universities. The design of new university campuses and buildings considers changing study habits, such as digitalisation and learning in small groups.
Through Archtours, you can learn about fascinating new schools, day-care centres and campuses on-site. Contact us, and we will plan a tour tailored for your group.